Disabled Rights Activist's Group - Together We CAN Make a Difference!

Department of Labor General Information and Happy Holidays - December 2001

As we enter this holiday season, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very joyous, safe and rewarding journey into the new year. May 2002 bring peace, prosperity and full inclusion.

December 2001 Information Memo

Howard Moses
Howard R. Moses, 50, Administrator of the Kansas Medicaid Buy In Program promoting the employment of those with disabilities, died October 28, 2001. Howard in various capacities in Washington in the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. In 1993, President Clinton appointed him Deputy Assistant Secretary in the U.S. Department of Education.

Heidi Van Arnem
Heidi Van Arnem, 35, founder, chairwoman and chief executive officer of iCan! Inc., died November 11, 2001, in Michigan. She was a recipient of the former President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities' Evan Kemp Entrepreneurship Award.

Call For Papers

Society for Disability Studies
The Society for Disabilities Studies (SDS) has issued a call for papers for their 2002 conference, "Disability, Difference, and Tolerance-Crossing Boundaries and Taking Risks." The conference will place special emphasis on identifying and crossing oppressive physical, political, ideological, communication, and attitudinal boundaries, and will be held from June 5-9, 2002, at the Oakland Marriott City Center on 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607. The deadline for submissions is January 1, 2002. The forms are also available on the SDS Web page: http://uic.edu/orgs/sds/.

Funding Opportunities

Scholarships for Home schooling Disabled Children
The Special Needs Children's Fund is designed to assist home schooling families with the financial challenges of privately meeting the academic needs of their children with disabilities. The scholarships will range from $50-$1000 per family each year. If you have any questions on this fund, you can visit their web site at: http://www.homeschoolfoundation.org/funds/specialneeds.asp , or you can call 540-338-5600.

Leadership for a Changing World
The Leadership for a Changing World program is currently seeking nominations of community leaders across the country who are successfully tackling tough social problems. Twenty outstanding social justice leaders and leadership teams that are not broadly known beyond their immediate community or field will receive awards of $100,000 to advance their work, plus $30,000 for supporting activities. The Advocacy Institute must receive nominations no later than 5 PM EST on January 4, 2002. For additional information, visit their web site at http://www.leadershipforchange.org/.

Grants from Employment and Training Administration
Approximately $6 million in competitive grant funds for multi-state employment and training projects serving people with disabilities is available from the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. Grants will be between $300,000 and an absolute maximum of $500,00 for the first year with the possibility of two additional years of funding. The closing date for receipt of applications is December 21, 2001. For further information, call 202-693-2879, or visit the web site at: http://wdsc.doleta.gov/disability/htmldocs/soli.txt.

Web Based Resources

Emergency Preparedness
The Access Board has posted on their web site information and resources for preparing the workplace to accommodate employees and visitors in times of emergency or disaster. Their site is at: http://www.access-board.gov/evac.htm.

Sneak Peak - Self Employment
The Small Business Administration is developing a web site for entrepreneurs with disabilities. To visit this work in progress, go to: http://www.sbaresearch.org/.

ADA Watch Coalition
This online community of individuals and organizations defending the ADA can be found at: http://www.adawatch.org/.

Disability History
The Disability History Museum's library features searchable archives with historic images, documents and other artifacts. To visit this web site go to: http://www.disabilitymuseum.org/browse_detail.html.

I.T. Works Grant Web Page Announcement, Law, Health Policy & Disability Center
The Law, Health Policy & Disability Center has a new web page for the I.T. Works project which began on November 1, 2001. The web page is located at: http://www.its.uiowa.edu/law/projects/it_grant.htm. The web page provides information on the project, including current status and contact information.

Careers in the Arts Listserve
The Kennedy Center for the Arts has a listserve designed for people with disabilities interested in careers in the arts. Members of this listserv will receive periodic announcements about job and funding opportunities in the arts across the nation, as well as information about training programs and other issues of interest to individuals pursuing careers in the arts. In addition, members of this listserv will receive the new Careers in the Performing Arts for People with Disabilities newsletter.

To subscribe to this free listserve go to: http://www.artsedge.kennedy-center.org/user_guide/commcent/listservs.html

  • Check the box next to Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities (ARTSFORUM)
  • Fill in your name and email address
  • Click "submit."

SignTel - Virtual Interpreter
For a demonstration of newly available software program that translates speech and print into ASL, visit the web site at: http://www.signtelinc.com/demo.htm.

General Resources

House Trade Article
Anthony Tusler details (with editing and photographs supplied by his wife, Lyndi) their experiences in finding and trading wheelchair accessible "vacation" homes in an article published by "Disability World." Anthony's and Lyndi's traded their home in Sonoma Valley, California with a wheelchair user in England, and spent a month in Warborough (near Oxford). "Disability World," a web based magazine, is found at http://www.disabilityworld.org/".

Airline Security & Disability Rights
The Department of Transportation has issued a fact sheet to address concerns about airport security for passengers with disabilities. The basic premise is that passengers with disabilities should still expect nondiscriminatory treatment as required by the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), but a thorough security screening does not violate the ACAA. Members of the public, who feel they have been the subject of discriminatory actions or treatment by air carriers, may file a complaint by sending an email, a letter, or a completed complaint form to the Aviation Consumer Protection Division (ACPD). ACPD's e-mail address is airconsumer@ost.dot.gov and its mailing address is: Aviation Consumer Protection Division, U.S. Department of Transportation, Room 4107, C-75, Washington, DC 20590. Complaint forms that consumers may download and/or print are available at: http://www.dot.gov/airconsumer/problems.htm. If you have any questions or need more information on the ACAA, please contact Maureen McCloskey at PVA at 202-416-7696.

New NCD Report
The National Council on Disability (NCD), released its report, Reconstructing Fair Housing, on November 6, 2001. This report evaluates the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. To visit this web site go to: http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/fairhousing.html.

National Service Inclusion Project
The Institute for Community Inclusion and the Association of University Centers on Disability were recently awarded $1.5 million to increase participation of people with disabilities in national and community service programs. Training and technical assistance will be provided to AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America, and the National Senior Service Corps on a wide range of disability issues, including outreach, accessibility, accommodations, and recruitment. At the same time, the project will educate the disability community about the opportunities available in the national andcommunity service. For more information visit this web site at: http://www.childrenshospital.org/ici/.

Commercial Market for Artists with Disabilities
For information about the USA division of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, you can write or call them at:

M.F.P.A. Inc.
2070 Peachtree Industrial Court, Suite 101
Atlanta, GA 30341
Phone: 770-986-7764
Fax: 770-986-8563
Or visit their international website: http://www.amfpa.com/ or email at


Margaret (Maggie) Roffee (roffee-margaret@dol.gov)
Kristina Wood (wood-kristina@dol.gov)

United States Department of Labor
